Medicaid Expansion

Some states have expanded Medicaid to 133% of the federal poverty level (FPL) as part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA); other states have chosen not to expand Medicaid but may decide to expand at any time. In Region VIII, Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, and Utah have expanded Medicaid.

Peruse the resources below for more information on Medicaid expansion:

Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc.
State examples of policies to expand Medicaid (May 2014)
Examples of Consumer Incentives and Personal Responsibility Requirements in Medicaid

Brief that summarizes state decisions regarding the inclusion of dental benefits for the Medicaid expansion population (February 2014)
Strategies to Improve Dental Benefits for the Medicaid Expansion Population

Information on how to minimize churn between the marketplace and Medicaid (January 2014)
Minimizing Care Gaps for Individuals Churning between the Marketplace and Medicaid: Key State Considerations

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP)
Report that suggests that enrolling low-income in Medicaid should be more cost-effective than enrolling them in private insurance (June 2008)
Expanding Medicaid a Less Costly Way to Cover More Low-Income Uninsured Than Expanding Private Insurance

Report on how the 35 states (plus the District of Columbia) that have implemented the Medicaid expansion are better positioned to respond to the COVID-19 public health emergency and to prevent the ensuing economic downturn from worsening access to care, financial security, health outcomes, and health disparities (July 2020)
States That Have Expanded Medicaid Are Better Positioned to Address COVID-19 and Recession

The Commonwealth Fund
Interactive map on the impact of not expanding Medicaid
Medicaid Expansion

Enroll America
Blog post on reaching people in non-expansion states (March 2014)
How to Help Residents in States That Are Not Expanding Medicaid

Kaiser Health News
Article on how people are expected to shift between the exchanges and Medicaid as their income fluctuates (January 2014)
Millions of Lower-Income People Expected to Shift Between Exchanges and Medicaid

Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF)
Document that contains information about the people who have incomes above Medicaid eligibility levels but below the amount to qualify for Marketplace tax credits and includes a useful table on Medicaid adult income eligibility limits as a percent of the federal poverty level in states not moving forward with Medicaid expansion (March 2014)
The Coverage Gap: Uninsured Poor Adults in States that Do Not Expand Medicaid

Overview of the new fast track enrollment options for Medicaid (November 2013)
Fast Track to Coverage: Facilitating Enrollment of Eligible People into the Medicaid Expansion

Insight into how state decisions to expand Medicaid will impact individuals, providing a human dimension (November 2012)
Faces of the Medicaid Expansion: Experiences and Profiles of Uninsured Adults Who Could Gain Coverage

Interactive map of states and description of the status of the state marketplace decision and whether or not the state is expanding Medicaid
Status of State Medicaid Expansion Decisions

National Health Law Program (NHeLP)
Brief on the impact of premiums and cost sharing on enrollment, service utilization, and health status (March 2014)
Medicaid Premiums and Cost Sharing

RCHN Community Health Foundation
Report on how Medicaid expansion and CHC funding will affect the future of primary care (June 2014)
How Medicaid Expansions and Future Community Health Center Funding Will Shape Capacity to Meet the Nation’s Primary Care Needs: A 2014 Update

Urban Institute
A preliminary report from the Urban Institute’s Health Reform Monitoring Survey showing a decrease in uninsurance in Medicaid expansion states (June 2014)
Increase in Medicaid under the ACA Reduces Uninsurance, According to Early Estimates

Report that examines changes in coverage and access to care among young adults between 2011 and 2018 and considers how Medicaid expansion may have contributed to observed changes in these outcomes (February 2021)
Impacts of the ACA’s Medicaid Expansion on Health Insurance Coverage and Health Care Access among Young Adults

Brief on patterns of pre-reform health care access and affordability within the ACA’s adult Medicaid target population (January 2014)
Pre-Reform Health Care Access and Affordability within the ACA’s Medicaid Target Population
Blog post outlining the benefits of Medicaid expansion for all states
Benefits of Medicaid Expansion for All States